Undeniably the most renowned island in the South Pacific, Bora Bora is the French Polynesia perfect gem. Bora Bora is one of the few places on earth that everyone hopes to witness in their lifetime—and once you see it, you are forever charmed. Getting into and onto the lagoon is essential during your Bora Bora holiday , andthere’s a variety of catamaran cruises, sailing boats, snorkelling excursions, jet ski safaris, scuba diving spots and private beach picnics to choose from. Bora Bora is aromantic reality. It comes as no surprise that the island is an internationally acclaimed honeymoon destination. The magic of a honeymoon in Bora Bora lies in simply soaking up the mesmerising views from your overwater bungalow or beach villa and enjoying the bliss of doing nothing at all!
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Dagenham, Essex, RM10 8DP